Quick Technique

Your Restoration Workflow, Simplified to One Shade

Mark Kleive, DDS
Tokuyama Dental America continues to develop innovative products that fulfill the needs of the dental professional. The recently introduced OMNICHROMA composite (Tokuyama Dental America), with its universal, color-matching capability and excellent mechanical properties continues this trajectory. Because composite restorations are the most widely placed restorations in the dental practice today, a product that enhances efficiency and predictability is paramount.
OMNICHROMA satisfies 2 elements that establish it as a potential leader in the composite marketplace: ease of use and predictability of placement.
Dental professionals continue to seek products that make their clinical workflow easier. Because of the ability of OMNICHROMA to blend with any tooth shade, the shade selection step is removed, the need for a high-cost inventory of multiple composite shades is removed, and a high-quality restoration can be placed with more efficiency and less clinical chair time.
The predictability in placement of OMNICHROMA (Figure 1) also contributes to its unique nature. Prior to curing, the opaque-white material has a creamy consistency that is easy to place, easy to sculpt with hand instruments, and does not slump after placement. Once cured, it mimics the color of the adjacent tooth structure and offers a highly polished surface that looks very natural. It gives the patient a long-term, aesthetic restoration. OMNICHROMA is indicated for all anterior and posterior direct composite restorations.

Figure 1. OMNICHROMA (Tokuyama Dental America) offers a composite with one shade to match all patients. Figure 2. The preoperative view of teeth Nos. 7 and 9 demonstrates failing amalgam restorations with recurrent decay.
Figure 3. The completed preparations demonstrate the staining that is typical with previous amalgam restorations. Figure 4. OMNICHROMA BLOCKER (Tokuyama Dental America) was placed in a thin layer and cured to mask the staining. OMNICHROMA was used to complete the restorations.
Figure 5. OMNICHROMA BLOCKER is a supplementary material used to mask slight staining. Figure 6. The color of the restorations blends well with the surrounding tooth structure.

Case Example
A patient presented for the treatment of failing amalgam restorations with recurrent decay (Figure 2). Following anesthesia, the teeth were prepped and sand blasted with 50 µm of aluminum oxide (Figure 3). The teeth were then isolated with cotton rolls and ready for definitive restorations.
Enamel was acid etched with 38% phosphoric acid (Pulpdent). Dentin was bonded with Bond Force adhesive (Tokuyama Dental America) and cured for 10 seconds. Preps were filled with a thin layer (1 mm) of OMNICHROMA BLOCKER (Figures 4 and 5) to mask the dark staining and then cured for 20 seconds. The remaining preps were filled with OMNICHROMA and cured for 20 seconds.
Occlusion was adjusted using a Piranha No. 8 (SS White Dental) round single-use diamond. The restorations were polished and shaped with a Brownie Silicone Polisher (Shofu Dental) and Diamond Polishing Paste (Pulpdent) to achieve a natural enamel luster. The completed restorations were both aesthetically pleasing and functional (Figure 6).
For more information, call Tokuyama Dental America at (877) 378-3548 or visit tokuyama-us.com.

Dr. Kleive earned his DDS degree with distinction from the University of Minnesota School of Dentistry in 1997. He is a visiting faculty member and the director of business systems with the Pankey Institute in Key Biscayne, Fla. He is also a 2015 inductee into the American College of Dentistry.