Z-Systems USA


The FDA-approved Z-Look3 Zirkolith dental implants are manufactured in a proprietary process from some of the highest quality zirconia, a material successfully used for medical devices like hip replacements since the 1980s. While most dental implants today are still made of metal gray titanium, the Zirkolith implants overcome the aesthetic limitations and combine high biocompatibility with excellent osseointegration and reliability. It took many years of research, development, and refinement of the zirconia mixture production process and the development of a proprietary surface technology (Surface Laser Modified) to achieve the highest standards of reliability that clinicians and patients rightfully expect from a leading dental implant tooth restoration. This unique experience is brought together in Zirkolith. With more than 8 years of clinical experience in Europe, Swiss-based Z-Systems is a leading solution for naturally white, metal-free zirconia dental implants. For more information, call (877) 874-9407, e-mail usa@z-systems.biz, or visit z-systems.biz.