Industry News

Zoom Drives Boom in Orthodontic Services

The increase in Zoom meetings and other video conferences during the COVID-19 pandemic is driving a demand for orthodontic services, according to the British Orthodontic Society (BOS). According to a BOS survey conducted in March and April of 2021:

  • 84% of orthodontists report an increase in adult patients
  • 60% of orthodontists say they have seen a larger than expected demand for treatment in the last 12 months
  • 65% of this increase in demand is due to heightened awareness of adult orthodontics
  • 55% of this increase in demand is due to rising patient expectations and social factors
  • 88% of these adult patients are between the ages of 26 and 55
  • 80% of these adult patients are female

With close-up video conferencing the new normal for work, the BOS said, patients have never been more conscious of their teeth.

“It is interesting to see the rise in demand for orthodontic treatment over the last 12 months,” said Anjli Patel, BOS director of external relations.

“I know from patients I see at my practice that many have become increasingly more aware of their teeth through the ‘Zoom effect.’ We want to ensure patients are given the very best advice about orthodontic treatment. Tooth straightening can give people the confident smile they’ve always dreamed about,” Patel said.

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