Industry News

ZYPPAH-Sponsored Car Takes 13th in 2017 Indy 500

Dentistry hit the racetrack in the Indianapolis 500 on Sunday as ZYPPAH sponsored Mikhail Aleshin in Car No. 7. Driving the Honda entry for Marotti Racing and partnered with Schmidt Peterson Motorsports, Aleshin placed 13th in the race.

“We are honored to return to the Brickyard and to team up once again with our good friends at Schmidt-Peterson Motorsports,” said Pastor Will Marotti, founder of Marotti Racing. “We are equally excited to move over to the No. 7 car to help bolster and support a fast, capable driver like Mikhail Aleshin. It is a great privilege to bring a growing national brand like ZYPPAH into Motorsports for the very first time.”

ZYPPAH produces the Snoring Eliminator, which uses a strap to prevent the tongue from blocking the airway. The company also is launching its professional division, ZYPPAH Pro Sleep Certified, which is an online community designed to remove and lower the barriers that keep dentists from treating and growing the sleep aspect of their practices. ZYPPAH’s sponsorship will continue for 3 more races.

“I am very pleased that ZYPPAH has become a part of the history and legacy of IndyCar racing as a sponsor of Marotti Racing,” said Johnathan Greenburg, DDS, CEO of ZYPPAH.

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