Search for: American Association of Orthodontists

Study to Explore Alternative to Ridge Preservation Surgery

Surya Joseph, DDS, MBA, will use a $5,000 grant from the American Association of...

Strong Self-Esteem Begins With Effective Orthodontic Treatment

A confident smile is extremely important in social settings, especially nowadays in the age...

Summer Fun Presents Dental Dangers

As summer vacation approaches, warns dentists that they may be seeing oral issues...

Celebrate National Facial Protection Month This April

Some dental and facial injuries sustained in athletic activities are preventable. This April, five...

Full-Mouth Black Triangle Treatment Protocol

A GROWING PROBLEM The prevalence of adult orthodontics has risen about 40% since 1996....

Educate Parents About the Importance of Dental Protection

As summer progresses and school sport practices begin, children will be spending more time...

Dental Groups Encourage Sports Safety for National Facial Protection Month

April is National Facial Protection Month, and 5 dental organizations are teaming up to...

Today’s Kids Look Forward to Getting Braces

Believe it or not, many kids want braces these days. The Australian Society of...

More Adults Electing Orthodontic Treatment

Traditionally, people who have needed orthodontia have gotten braces as adolescents. But things are...

Dental Organizations Support New Wisdom Tooth Guidelines

With the support of 8 dental specialties and 3 international oral and maxillofacial surgical...