Search for: dental practices

Making a Difference by Making Someone’s Smile

Today is an exciting and rewarding time to practice dentistry. Unlike ever before, patient...

The Indisputable Missing Link: What’s Not in Your Computer Management System

Against an impressive backdrop of computer hardware and software designed to support virtually every...

Tablet PCs: The Future of Computing?

In previous articles in Dentistry Today (August and November, 2002), I examined the advantages...

Evidence-Based Dentistry – How to Use It

It was 1784 when the earliest masked assessment seems to have been performed by...

Missed Opportunities: Patients Lost to Lack of Understanding and Marketing

You are seeing a patient who has been in your practice for years. Her...

Adjunctive Orchestrated Orthodontic Therapy: A New Trend in Cosmetic Dentistry

The goal of appearance-related dental rehabilitation is the re-establishment of a healthy, maintainable, aesthetic,functional...

Replacing a Fractured Cemented Post

Providing highly accurate, simple, and consistent final crown and bridge impressions is a critical...

The Aesthetic Edge A New Approach to Smile Design

Dentists who are experienced with cosmetic treatment know that subtle variations in the shapes...

A Multiphase Approach to Direct Composite Veneering

We live in a world of choices, yet veneer-based smile rehabs have typically come...

Making Staff Number One and Patients Number Two

This article outlines several of the most vital practice management tools, which when implemented...