Search for: oral cancer

Review of Hemostatic Agents Used In Dentistry

Dentists perform a variety of surgical procedures frequently requiring the need for a hemostatic...

Improving the Stability of Maxillary Dentures: The Use of Polyvinyl Siloxane Impression Materials for Edentulous Impressions

The fabrication of complete removable dentures has evolved noticeably over the last 15 years...

Clinical Conditions and Lesions Mimicking Salivary Gland Disease, Part 1

Columbia University’s Salivary Gland Center (SGC) serves as a referral base for metropolitan New...

Exophytic Gingival Lesions Review of Clinical and Histologic Features, and 3 Case Reports

Exophytic gingival lesions represent some of the more frequently encountered lesions in the oral...

Noninvasive “Face-Lifts” For Your Dentate Patients: A New Technique

Is dentists, we all have had training in removable prosthodontics, and we already know...

Immunity and Immunizations

Disease control and prevention are central to an effective program of infection control. It...

Managing Risk Factors in Successful Nonsurgical Treatment

Management of periodontal disease is a dynamic and ongoing process. Only recently have we...

Nitrous Oxide Analgesia: What Is a Safe Level of Exposure for the Dental Staff?

One of the major challenges of clinical dentistry is the management of pain and...

New Directions in Dentistry: A Dentistry Today Exclusive Interview with Dr. Gordon Christensen

In keeping with the theme of “New Directions” that traditionally has been an area...