Doctor-Technician Perspectives
Future Challenges for the Doctor-Technician Team
This article will highlight some important aspects in the relationship between the dentist and...
The Future of Endodontics, Part 1: Observations by an Endodontist-Implant Surgeon
Endodontic treatment is just a space maintainer for implants.” This joke, often told by...
Quadrant Rehabilitation With Implants and CAD/CAM Crowns
Dental implants offer a predictable and efficient option for replacement of missing posterior teeth.1...
The Evolution of Digital Dentistry and the Digital Dental Team
The room was filled with tension and excitement as the lights were slowly dimmed...
Oral Medicine
Doctor, Why Wasn’t I Told This Before?
To set up the premise and discussion points for this article we will begin...
Bipolar Electrosurgery: Gingival Modification in Passive Eruption Cases
Excessive gingival display can affect the total aesthetics of a smile, becoming its focus...
Co-Diagnosis in Smile Design: Involving Patients in the Ownership of Their Outcomes
Aesthetic or cosmetic dentistry, along with implant dentistry, is one the fastest growing areas...
Clinical Update
Interdisciplinary Cooperation and Osteoporosis
Physicians and dentists should collaborate to improve early detection and treatment of patients who...
Clinical Update
Nutritional Evaluation During the Dental Visit
Dental professionals have long noted areas of concern regarding nutritional needs at dental examination...
Cancer, Dentistry, and a World Turned Upside Down
In 2004, the American Cancer Society estimated that 1,368,030 new cases of cancer were...