Search for: periodontal disease

Periodontitis Linked With Age-Related Macular Degeneration

Research from the Dental College of Georgia at Augusta University is linking chronic periodontitis...

Protein Plays Key Role in Regulating Oral Inflammation

The absence of a protein critical to the control of inflammation may lead to...

Managing the Unexpected Can Be a Challenge!

CASE REPORT Initial Presentation A 37-year-old patient presented after losing her left upper central...

The Role of 3-D CBCT in Endodontics

INTRODUCTION In endodontics, we “do it in the dark…” …Until the endodontic light bulbs...

The Right Questions May Save a Life!

INTRODUCTION There are days I love what I do; there are also days I...

University of Kentucky Adopts LANAP and LAPIP Protocols

The University of Kentucky College of Dentistry (UKCD) will integrate the regenerative Laser Assisted...

Zinc-Oxide Membrane Fights Periodontitis

Periodontitis breaks down the tissue and bones that house the teeth, affecting 47.2% of...

Supercomputers and Spider Webs Uncover Bone Regeneration’s Secrets

Spider webs may offer clues to osteoregeneration, or how bones repair themselves. According to...

Eighth Annual Readers’ Choice Top 50 Technology Products

Dentistry Today’s eighth annual Readers’ Choice Top 50 Technology Products, selected on the basis...

A Novel Approach to Grafting Around Implants

INTRODUCTION Today’s clinicians who provide implant treatment to their patients are more than likely...