Search for: women dentists

Lectures to Spotlight Issues Affecting Female Dentists

Men and women often face divergent paths when they enter the dental profession. The...

Lucy Hobbs Project Awards Salute Six Women in Dentistry

About half of today’s dental school graduates are women. But things were much different...

Focusing On Women’s Education at ADA 2016

In addition to many other emerging topics within dentistry, one highlight of this year’s...

Dentists May Play a Greater Role in HPV Vaccination

The American Cancer Society (ACS) has updated its guidelines for human papilloma virus (HPV)...

Pregnant Women Likely to Have Gingivitis

Women who are pregnant are likely to have moderate to severe gingivitis and may...

Selfie Treachery Leads to Uptick in Visits to UK Dentists

UK dentists are reporting a substantial increase in the number of people who take...

Female Dentists Still Face Gaps in Pay in the United Kingdom

March 8 is International Women’s Day, and the British Dental Association (BDA) marked the...

Dentists Advised to Look for Meth Mouth

The toxic ingredients of methamphetamine can cause “meth mouth,” which is severe tooth decay...

Women More Disgusted by Dental Treatment than Men

Women are more easily grossed out at the dentist than men, according to a...

Pregnant Women Don’t Get Enough Dental Care

Dental treatment—or a lack of it—has become a problem for pregnant women. There are...